you’re invited

Join us sundays 10:30am & 4:00pm

Thursdays at 7:00pm

7430 E Pinnacle Peak Rd, Suite 132

Scottsdale, AZ 85255

what to expect sunday

Visiting any church, especially a new one, for the first time can be a tough experience. Where to go? What to wear? What time to arrive? What’s here for my kids? What can I expect? These and many other questions surface. We want to put you at ease. Your first visit to NorthWay will be refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable for your whole family. We want you to experience soul-stirring music, helpful teaching and preaching, friendly people, and a place where you feel welcome and “at home” with us! Here are a few answers to questions you may have and what you can expect on your first visit.


Our Ministries


We strive to create a safe nursery, staffed with carefully chosen and trained caregivers. We want parents to fully focus on worship, knowing their children are lovingly cared for.


EQUIP is a Thursday evening discipleship ministry at NorthWay that helps believers strengthen their faith and relationships by engaging in the study of God's Word and fostering personal interaction to navigate life and serve Christ passionately.


Our goal is to support parents in raising godly children by offering a children's program that combines faith and fun through singing, games, relationship building, and Bible teaching, making it the best hour of their week.


At NorthWay, our music ministry is dedicated to Christ-centered praise in every service, using hymns and choruses to glorify God and strengthen the faith of all who attend.


ACTIVATE is a Sunday evening ministry at NorthWay that includes a short but practical time of biblical teaching, followed by a time of prayer that allows us to ask God’s empowerment in our life so we can effectively ACTIVATE our faith.


We strive to create a welcoming community of believers that love Jesus and love others as themselves. We enjoy fellowshipping every time we gather together.


We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the verbally and plenary inspired words of God. Therefore, we believe the Bible is without error, infallible, and is authoritative in doctrine and is the final authority for faith and practice. Because God promised that His Word is sufficient and eternal, we believe that God has preserved His Word for every generation.

Got More Questions?

If you have any questions not listed, please email us!

What's available for our children?

At each service on Sunday morning, we provide a safe, clean, and well-staffed nursery for children four years of age and younger. For children five years old through sixth grade there is a fun, friendly, and Bible-centered children’s program. These classes are staffed with trained, friendly, and well-qualified teachers and helpers who will make church exciting and memorable for your child.

What are services like?

Sunday mornings you can participate in encouraging and God-honoring music.  The music is always followed by a clear, helpful, and challenging Bible message from God’s Word. It is our desire for our Sunday morning worship service to help every person connect with God in a way that will provide clear direction and purpose for life!

How should I dress?

There is not a dress code for members or guests. Our ministry leaders and many of our church family dress in more traditional “Sunday” dress; however, our main goal is that you would feel welcome and comfortable during your visit here at NorthWay! We would encourage you to come dressed to worship the Lord.

Am I expected to give?

No! We don’t invite you to NorthWay Baptist Church for your offering. We want our service to be a gift to you. We hope you will find in our church a warm family spirit, truth from God’s Word, and a place where you can grow in God’s grace. Please don’t feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest.

What if I have more questions?

If there’s something we missed on this list, just give us a call at 480-257-8836 or ask someone when you arrive. Whether you’re new to the area and looking for a church home, or it’s been a long time since you’ve attended church at all, we know you will enjoy your first visit to NorthWay Baptist! We exist to serve you and your family, and we are looking forward to meeting you personally.


Meet our pastor

John embraced the Gospel early in life, placing his faith in Christ at age 6. After marrying Misty, John and his wife felt led to serve at New Testament Baptist Church, where he worked as a youth leader and committed to full-time ministry.

In 2002, John pursued a Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Studies at Heartland Baptist Bible College. Upon graduating, John served in various full-time ministry roles, including Assistant Pastor, Youth Pastor, and College Director. In 2009, he joined Fellowship Baptist Church’s pastoral staff under Pastor Bill Prater.

Following his call to preach, John felt a strong burden for church planting. This led him to Scottsdale, AZ, where he and his family moved in 2013 to establish NorthWay Baptist Church. The church held its Grand Opening service on November 3, 2013, marking the start of a journey filled with anticipation for God’s continued work.


worship with us this WEek!


Morning Worship | 10:30am

Family Service | 4:00pm


EQUIP Service | 7:00pm

Address: 7430 E Pinnacle Peak Rd, Suite 132 Scottsdale, AZ 85255